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May 2013
Grameramera 1:47 PM on May 20, 2013 [ edited by Grameramera at 1:08 AM on 05-30-2013 ] (+0/-0)
Group: Best Pony
Posts: 893
Total: 1255
random monster spawns stalled during periods of high CPU usage
added a blank icon state to weapons to prevent floating icons
variable monster type propertions and repopulation rates
despawned monsters able to respawn at same location
spawn areas and monster spawns added to database
new spawn areas auto-incorporated into database
Meditate and Pray only effect allies on-screen
slight optimization to leaving battle mode
slight optimization to spawning monsters
0.1s faster movement speed for PCs (???)
pickups only broadcast to those in view
area / spawn balancing via terulia.com
cannot use potions on other players
optimized enemy determination by AI
disabled bouquet and Flower effect
underlays for north wall corners
non-integer movement speeds
gold splitting removed
removed parties

May 20:
time-based allowance replaces combat-based allowance
removed allowance effect on ability prof rate
increased base ability prof rate
increased equipment prof rates

May 21:
bug fix: shop/drop conditions ignored (Dr. Letha)
bug fix: monsters/mercs not introduced properly
bug fix: balancing element resistance override reset
weapon-based passive effects depends on player's relevant weapon prof
stat bars appear on-map only while in battle
negate passive depends on magic resistance
increased magic effect by 53%
kingdom-wide status displays
levels removed

May 29:
applied palette to numerous icons (Neonlare)
redesigned item/ability panels (Neonlare)
reorganized map files and parameters

ScouSin: Damn you Gaku! Damn you and your; "Be patient, and if you don't want to, tough, because I'm going to be all mystical about it!"
KingBlax: It's telling you to go outside, with no flash-light in the woods, and find a dead body, you eat dinner if you find 1. You die in the wilderness if you don't find 1 or at least bring something interesting back.
./personal_problem.sh -q > /dev/null 2>&1 &
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