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Fizzle rate
DeshTheWraith 6:51 AM on August 07, 2012 (+0/-0)

Group: Advanced Members
Posts: 335
Total: 963
Anyway to make it go down? Profs, level, and gear don't seem to be helping me. Or is it like Mint was saying and just a RNG?

Haze wrote:
We can't all be Deshawns, Deshawn. We actually have to focus on PvP, we can't record it, take screenshots, smoke a blunt and bang our girlfriends all while killing people >=(

Mint 6:52 AM on August 07, 2012 (+0/-0)
Group: Jailbait
Posts: 31
Total: 234
wear all mage gear. some spells have a lower fizzle rate as they prof i think? other than that it's a rng as far as i can tell

Heisenberg 6:53 AM on August 07, 2012 (+0/-0)
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Posts: 75
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im pretty sure on status's the higher proff decreses that but really not enough wearing most archwizard and lowest masterwork wizard(one peice) last hosting i still fizzled enough for it to matter last hosting on my black wizard.

i say just decrese it a bit

p.s dafuq is rng

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DeshTheWraith 6:55 AM on August 07, 2012 (+0/-0)

Group: Advanced Members
Posts: 335
Total: 963
RNG is "Random Number Generator" or as i like to call it, The Big Middle Finger in the sky.

I'm in 100% mage gear Mint. Using a moon staff. And I can barely kill NB monsters. My lowest tier piece is a shaman overarmor. Mostly sorc.

EDIT: Also the spells I'm fizzling are around 50 prof. It definitely doesn't relate to the target btw...

@Simpson: I'm not even talking statuses. I'm talking soloing Argo and almost dying to things I can one-shot.

Haze wrote:
We can't all be Deshawns, Deshawn. We actually have to focus on PvP, we can't record it, take screenshots, smoke a blunt and bang our girlfriends all while killing people >=(

Shane 12:29 PM on August 07, 2012 (+0/-0)
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You could possibly need a ppwipe.

DeshTheWraith 4:54 PM on August 07, 2012 (+0/-0)

Group: Advanced Members
Posts: 335
Total: 963
Ah...I'll try that.

Haze wrote:
We can't all be Deshawns, Deshawn. We actually have to focus on PvP, we can't record it, take screenshots, smoke a blunt and bang our girlfriends all while killing people >=(

Rylar 9:50 PM on November 23, 2012 (+0/-0)

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Total: 8
Gaku just put the fizzle due to armor back into the 2010 revert, and I've found that on occasion I'll suddenly get a huge fizzle rate. Unequipping and then reequipping some piece of armor usually solves the problem. Seems like some sort of bug or other.

Huckey168 3:38 AM on November 24, 2012 (+0/-0)
Rylar wrote:
Gaku just put the fizzle due to armor back into the 2010 revert, and I've found that on occasion I'll suddenly get a huge fizzle rate. Unequipping and then reequipping some piece of armor usually solves the problem. Seems like some sort of bug or other.

Ive had the same issue where I wont fizzle for ever then all of a sudden 20 fizzles in a row its really wierd

Gakumerasara (main): So here are the effects to being mint's irl friend, circa 2010.
Gakumerasara (main): 1) +5% crit chance against you.
Gakumerasara (main): 2) +5% melee damage against you.
Gakumerasara (main): 3) -5% melee hit rate.
Gakumerasara (main): 4) -5% str, dex, mag.
Gakumerasara (main): 5) -10% agl, mgr, luck.
Gakumerasara (main): 6) +20% prof requirements.
Gakumerasara (main): 7) +25% armor damage against you.
Gakumerasara (main): That appears to be all
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