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Forum Home > FFO Consortium > Opposite Day > Sarm.  
Cea 10:21 PM on March 30, 2011 (+0/-0)

Group: Genius
Posts: 837
Total: 1990
I sent you a PM.

A good player knows how to play his class. An elitist knows how to play everyone else's class.
Lotho 10:22 PM on March 30, 2011 (+0/-0)
Group: Members
Posts: 46
Total: 102
The Real Cea wrote:
I sent you a PM.

I vote that we discuss this alleged PM. The content, method of delivery, potential impact, yadda yadda.

Rika domain says: Which way?
Icux domain says: I would go X.
Icux domain says: To the right.
Rika domain says: I found it!
Rika was tragically doinked to death!
Professor 10:23 PM on March 30, 2011 (+0/-0)

Group: FFO Admin
Posts: 258
Total: 942
Cea used too much paper, its killing the trees! We must band together to put an end to these crimes.

Sarmo 12:25 AM on March 31, 2011 (+0/-0)

Group: Advanced Members
Posts: 29
Total: 98
Are you sure? Inbox is empty for me.

Edit: That's what I get for heading directly to the thread from the main forum listing.

Cea 10:37 AM on March 31, 2011 (+0/-0)

Group: Genius
Posts: 837
Total: 1990
reply to Sarm:

fufufu I'm so not funny. 8)

A good player knows how to play his class. An elitist knows how to play everyone else's class.
deanbad 12:27 PM on March 31, 2011 (+0/-0)

Group: Members
Posts: 604
Total: 2374
reply to The Real Cea:

I disagree

"Take this shipment of supplies to Gillian, and try not to murder anyone's parents along the way, alright?"
JeebsLuvsPie 1:34 PM on March 31, 2011 (+0/-0)

Group: Jiritsu Spiritual Guide
Posts: 282
Total: 786
Sarm --> Arms --> Mars --> Rams

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